TM Logan continues to write amazing stories

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I have read TM Logan's books before including his latest story. I read 29 Seconds a while ago but I instantly recognized it because it had a gripping first paragraph 'Th e Rules were simple enough. Don’t be alone with him if you
could possibly avoid it. Don’t do or say anything which he might
take as encouragement. Don’t get in a taxi or a lift with him. Be
extra careful with him when you were away from the office, particularly at hotels and conferences. And most of all, the number
one rule that must never, ever, be broken: don’t do any of the
above when he had been drinking. He was bad when he was
sober, but he was worse – much worse – when he was drunk.'
This story had me engaged from the beginning and instantly siding with the lead character Sarah. The reader follows her and roots for her, even if we do doubt her decision slightly. But the joy of reading TM Logan's books are to explore an alterative world.