Surprisingly different

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This book definitely took my surprise by the story line and the plot. The introduction drew me in very quickly and has made me excited to carry on reading. It is a little confusing at first but that is what has intrigued me more. Can't wait to carry it on! I would recommend taking it slow and not rush into it otherwise you can miss out on quite a few important factors. The book is quite different to other ones that I have read and I think the writing style is extraordinary and deserves praise and more reads! This book can be enjoyed by many ages and I feel it is a nice book to read when you don't want a complicated story line but want something easy to follow and enjoy. I can imagine this being made into a movie! I have only read the first few sections of the book but can already tell this might make it into my top five! I hope the rest of the book and story line keeps making twists and turns