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msyson88 Avatar


I knew that I would enjoy this book and was over the moon when I was gifted it by a lovely person on instagram.

I read this in super quick time and it only took me a day - it was written in such a lovely way that you just had to keep reading. I love a short chapter and it was so captivating that you just had to keep reading.

I did guess the ending before we got there but not so soon that it would have spoiled the book. I was amazed that at the end I actually felt sorry for Aiden, I never thought that would happen.

It opens up a lot of questions about whether the relationship between Aiden and Caroline was real or did she just use him completly as a patsy. Only the writer can ever tell us this.

Also I felt really bad for Hannah who seems to have had the wool pulled over her eyes by everyone in her life.

Loved this book and would definately recommend it.