Lenny's World is Falling Apart

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If Lenny's hugely successful, stable Dad can get cancer, anything can happen...right? Lenny has had issues about the end of the world since she saw that freaky physics exhibition. Now Dad is dying, Lenny's issues have reached a whole new level.

Lenny is afraid she is responsible when Dad contracts an infection. With her sister off to college, and Mom pinning her hope on every fad diet, Lenny feels she is left alone to cope with her issues.

Perhaps she isn't entirely alone. Dad's dishy oncologist is always willing to listen. Never mind he's almost old enough to be her father. There's a chance something could happen between them...right?

I loved Lenny's friendship with Julian - Julian keeps Lenny anchored when things get too much.

There is some touching exploration of how people respond differently to difficult situations, and it was good to see discussion of how people's mental health is affected. Some people have called Lenny 'selfish'. I thought she was at breaking point. She had been resilient long enough, and was forced to admit there was nothing more she could do to help the situation.

There are huge amounts of medical detail. I appreciate the author didn't want to shy away from the reality of cancer, but to me the highlight was the way the different people affected reached an understanding of each other's needs.