A really enjoyable story

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Yara is used to moving around but she has always wished to stay in one place long enough to seriously study dance.
Now she has her chance.
Her father has settled in one area with his work and her mother has signed her onto enrol at the Shimmer and shine dance studio.
For Yara this is a dream come true and the next step on her road to becoming a ballet dancer.
She quickly makes new friends and settles in well. Then the owner Mrs. C wants to shut the ballet school down.
Miss Diamond has nowhere else to hold the classes so it looks like it could be the end for Yara and her ballet lessons.
Then she has an idea, MAYBE, just maybe if they do a show of The sleeping beauty to show her how much it means to them all then she won't shut it.
Yara pins her hopes on convincing Mrs. C that the ballet school is loved and needed.
But can it work?
Can they pull off a full scale production so quickly?
Is Mrs. C too hard hearted to realise what the school means to the community?
A lovely tale of friendship and what we can achieve by working together and showing a bit of community spirit.
Great message and a good story.