Dark and Twisted

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I read this book in two sittings - I was entirely unable to put it down! We see the characters slowly descend into a kind of madness where the border between pure grief and supernatural; becomes entirely blurred and indistinguishable.

The ending of this book is very open ended and various "supernatural" elements are not provided with satsifactory explanations in the end. However - I think this is to the book's benefit as it leaves the reader with a profound sense of unease that has persisted throughout the book.

My one complaint is that some of the "rational" explanations were a tad hard to believe and I feel that the more of the novel should have been focussed into the flashbacks into the past. I also think I greater focus on the relationship that Alfie had with his daughters before Black Mamba appeared would have greatly benefitted the novel by adding a greater crescendo effect.