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Instantly, i was drawn to the book.
The plot was quickly engaging and enticing- so dark and a little morbid, in insinuations.

Alfie, and his children were immediately interesting, and portrayed strong characters from the beginning, and throughout the book. The family dynamic is clear, and the portrayal of their individual personalities is clever, and unique!

The physical book itself is aesthetically pleasing : sleek and monochromatic; it easily fit on my shelf after I had finished with it.
Although, beneath the sleeve, the book is a little underwhelming- we (readers) would have benefitted from a slighlty more exciting, and fitting cover to underneath of the book.

Black Mamba is dual perspective, at points, but primarily follows Alfie, a father of twins. after his wife passed away in a tragic accident.

Ah, ohh, the romance, just enough to add some colour to the book, without taking away from its excellent plot!

The writing is smooth, and meticulous... 4/5
Very good!!