A worthy addition

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The world building remains strong in this book, both complimenting and adding to the already established cultures. The plot ties nicely into the one established in the previous book, continuing the threads and increasing the complexity, though not beyond comprehension. I had feared that the books would become too episodic but I found my fears were unfounded.
A strong sense of the characters was very present, even for those we saw less, and they all felt like individuals with individual motives. It was nice to see more of the characters who had taken back seats in previous books, and it seems we'll be seeing more of them.
The style is consistent with that of the previous books and fits well with the setting and story, and it is good to see that while Kellen is beginning to learn and gain more powers the process feels natural, not forced and though there are hints that he could become something much more than he is, it doesn't feel like a "chosen one" narrative.