Dead Letter Delivery

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I really enjoyed reading the first few chapters. I particularly liked the author's​ descriptive style of writing. The scattering of emails throughout the prose adds detail. The cover hints at mysteries to be unearthed.

The title ' Dead Letters ' intrigues me as the postal service uses this term for undeliverable damaged or lost mail. It has left me wondering if there will be missing correspondence.... Perhaps Ava is correct in her assumption that her twin sister Zelda, already famous for her erratic and eccentric behaviour, had faked her death; but the loss of some important piece of mail puts her in danger.

I am eager to find out what the betrayal was (it has been hinted at previous infidelity, did Zelda 'steal' Ava's boyfriend; or date someone she knew her sister liked) and to discover more about the dynamics of this discordant family.

So far I think i agree with Ava's belief that Zelda wasn't dead, but don't think she will still be alive by the end of the book (or indeed, even at the present time in the tale!)

This First Look has left me wanting to read more.