Very enjoyable and well written

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I really enjoyed Ascension when I first read it. ( this was quite a while ago) , I had only just started getting into reading and I found it such a good book to get into. After I had finished it I was desperately waiting for the sequel to be released. That being distortion.
I first off want to say that distortion has such an amazing cover which drew me in even more. I was desperate to read it and was not exactly disappointed . I have to say I did enjoy the first book more than the second however I still found it was a great read and something everyone should try . I read the book in a couple of hours as I could not put it down. The story could be quite jarring and annoying at times especially with the ending cliff hanger however, overall I would say Distortion is an addictive page-turner. The events of Ascension are covered well enough that you don't necessarily have to have read the first book to enjoy it, but I would absolutely recommend it to get the wider story.