Perfect end to the day.

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Its the end of a full and busy day.
The time has come to switch off from the noise, bustle and activity that makes up our everyday lives
Lively, but tired, small people need to prepare for bedtime and sleep.
It is the perfect time to settle down in a quiet place with a big person, and get ready for a trip down the Sleepy River.
The friends we meet are familiar and reassuring, and children will readily identify with them and anticipate their favourites.
The pictures are beautiful, but soothing; just enough detail to invite conversation, but not too stimulating.
The colour palette is enchanting.
The onomatopoeic text flows as calmly as the river.
Alongside all this, the reminders to breathe and be aware of ourselves are sheer genius.
Who will be asleep first? The small people or the big people?
As the perfect bedtime book which is sure to become a firm favourite, I would highly recommend Down the Sleepy River.
I love it!