Brilliant read

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Faruq and the Wiri Wiri is a lovely story about a young boy, Faruq, who wants to be a chef but is told he should follow in the footsteps of his father and become a doctor instead. When his grandmother is ill one day Faruq steps up to cook the meal and show everyone how much he enjoys his passion of cooking.

This is such a nice book that shows that you should always follow your passions. I think it's great how we get to see Faruq showing how much he loves his family and wants to cook for them but also how we get to learn a bit about the Caribbean culture and food. The children weren't too sure that they'd want to try any of the food but they liked seeing what the family were eating!

The illustrations are so colourful and eye catching and they give a good feel to what it's like culturally for Faruq and his family. The children enjoyed seeing all of the cooking that Faruq was doing, particularly when he was baking the cookies and they also liked watching him play football too!

The recipe at the end of the story is a lovely way to end the book. We've not tried them but they do sound delicious.

We really enjoyed reading this story and it is a nice way to learn a bit about another culture and it's food through Faruq and his cooking.