Very Entertaining

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This is a great little book about a boy who loves to cook with his grandmother and thinks that he'd like to pursue cooking as a career when he grows up rather than become a doctor like his father as his family wishes. In Faruq and the Wiri Wiri the author, Sophia Payne, introduces readers to Faruq and the joy of cooking and includes a recipe for youngsters to cook with their family. Young readers can also learn about different cultures and food. The book is beautifully illustrated throughout by Sandhya Prabhat. Faruq wants to cook with his grandmother but she sends him outside to play. However his grandmother's neighbour, Mrs Joseph, offers to teach him how to cook and Faruq gladly accepts. One day his grandmother is unwell and Faruq decides to make some soup for her with the help of Mrs Joseph. The entire family are expected for lunch and Faruq suddenly decides that he will prepare a big meal. He sets to work with Mrs Joseph and prepare a wonderful meal for all the family proving to everyone that cooking is a great pastime, and possibly career, for a boy.