Definitely Fit For Purpose!

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Fit For Purpose by Dr Richard Pile is a book that I think most people would benefit from reading! It is more than a self-help book, more of a guidebook to help improve your own health and the health of others. Some people might be put off by the religious and spiritual elements of the book (I almost was but am really glad I opened the book and started reading!). This would be a mistake, although the author draws on his own religion and the Bible this is in no way preachy and offers practical ways that faith leaders and groups can make changes to improve the well being of their members and the wider community. The book covers several key areas of well being such as diet, sleep and physical activity. Chapters end with clear suggestions that individuals could take and that leaders can take. I really like the suggestions that managers should specifically include aspects of well being into staff appraisals!. This book really is fit for purpose and I would recommend it to anyone whether they are keen to improve their health and well being, already have a healthy lifestyle or aren't even yet ready to make changes.