It was okay

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This is a book that encourages you to be more mindful in every aspect of your wellbeing from movement to mental health I did find some of it useful. I liked the authors willingness to share his and his family's story. The author also shared from the perspective of a gp which was also insightful.

I enjoyed the writing and the way it was sectioned out this made it easy to follow and it came in a nice big font.

I will say however as someone who does not subscribe to Christianity or organised Religion in any way the Bible verses were a little overdone and stopped me reading it a few times I do have family that do and I can see why this would be useful to some but I can also see how it would serve as a deterrent. It is entirely possible that i'm being too negative about it I just think that it clouds some of the points he is making.

Whilst i would not read this again myself I would give it to a family member.