Enchanting and Captivating

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The Fledgling explorers a mythical world once thought to have been preserved in religious and cultural texts as stories and romanticized by Renaissance masters. Cassie has her hands full, trying to manage her family and take on a monumental task as protector while preserving her ancestors' vision and legacy. A rich story with foreshadowing and symbolism. Even when you put it down, your mind will ponder over what will happen next. For fans of Fantastic Beasts, The Fledgling will captivate the reader with the story's rich account of mythical creatures and the detailed history of the Engel family and their stewardship in the Black Forest, a spellbinding land all on its own. The setting taking place in the Black Forest is spot on for a world building post-war. And fans of The Da Vinci Code will be enthralled by the mystery that Cassie finds herself in the midst.