I quite enjoyed it

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nicola mchugh Avatar


I usually want to roll my eyes at the mention of a young adult book, but I have to say, this was a good read. I read it in about two days I was so engrossed in it, I couldn't help but want to read on as the chapters were short and fast paced, and so you fly along with the story at the same speed as the characters. I have to say I didn't see the end coming so that was a pleasant surprise from a genre that doesn't usually hold many.
The writing style was great, it wasn't overly flowery or trying to be more grown up than it needs to be, it explained settings and characters in as much detail as was needed to set the scene vividly with no surplus details leaving you feeling like the pace has slowed.
At its heart it is still a book for young adults, but I feel an older reader would also be able to see the value of the book, and appreciate that it is well crafted. It said at the end about the author Lucy Hope that she had studied a degree in writing for young people and I think it has served her well as she has produced a very good book.