Just sit back and watch the chaos unfold...

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This accomplished action thriller has boundless energy and an enemy with an appetite for payback.

When the facts don’t add up and you’re chasing virtual opponents that will stop at nothing to achieve their objective, you discover some ‘Ghosts’ can walk through any wall that stands in their way.

Neutralising such a threat is no easy task, which presents numerous challenges for one of our good guys, Marc Dane; gifted veterans exploit technology and their triumphant schemes test his own priceless abilities to the max.

Dane’s an intriguing chap; an intellectual quick-thinker, mentally and physically skilled to adapt any situation. Thankfully he’s also likeable, as he doesn’t possess the annoying cockiness that usually accompanies strong character roles, like his. Personally I loved the scenes with Lucy and her kick-ass approach to just about everything, not just her profession.

‘Ghost’ has a real talent for unleashing a stealthy fury. Nothing is obvious and there’s everything to play for, right up to the last moment. There’s the occasional coding banter between hackers, but it’s not hammed or complex. It was easy to just sit back and watch the chaos unfold.