It was okay

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I'm a bit mixed on this, I knew from the first look and also the mini review on the front page that this was similar to the Georgia Rennison diaries but there were some bits that were just taken straight out of there which, felt a bit weird since I loved those books so much. However I know that some people have said those books can be considered offensive so I feel this was a great modern take on it. It has all the same themes of self love, friendship and family but took away what was considered offensive. It also made the book more inclusive and I think Lara is a great role model for teenage girls. This was really easy and quite fun to read, I just found that sometime the characters where quite immature but then very mature the next step. But then I havent been 14 for over 10 years and know the pressure on kids is a lot different these days. There are definitely some great bits about this book though and I think teenagers would really enjoy the glow up