I really struggled with this

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I hate rating books a 2 star as somebody spent their hard earned time writing a book and I just didn't enjoy it. I do not DNF books so I did finish this entire book but I really did not enjoy it. I found I couldn't gel with the main protagonist and wasn't at all interested in the actions or story that Wilderness was doing.
I generally really enjoy most genres books I just could not enjoy this one. This is likely personal preference as the book was written well and read well it was just dull in my eyes. I am keenly aware when reading this book that I am in fact reading a book. I was not transported off into a spy world and it did not immerse me at all.
The story seemed to wander around a lot for the first half of the book until it moved into Prague, then it settled down and stayed in this area for some time with everyone meeting up. However there just wasn't any excitement, even the action seemed dull and I find it has put me off similar novel types.

I don't think this is John Lawton's finest work and he has other books that are a lot more enjoyable to read