Very Enjoyable and Informative

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Hollywood Wants To Kill You is incredibly well written mixing worrying facts with a great deal of humour. The authors, Rick Edwards and Dr Michael Brooks, write about disasters depicted by Hollywood. Each chapter focuses on a different type of disaster movie. The authors have a scientific background and write about whether any of the various scenarios actually have any factual basis. The worrying part is that many of them do and some real life scenarios could be potentially worse than portrayed in the movies but, as the book is written with a lot of humour, it's a fascinating read nonetheless. Some of the science, particularly in the chapter on cataclysmic climate events, went right over my head but this didn't detract from my enjoyment of the book. The dialogue between the authors interspersed with the facts is very funny and makes this a more light-hearted read than might otherwise been the case. Even the acknowledgements are written as dialogue between the two. I thoroughly enjoyed this book.