I really enjoyed this one

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For a book that started out with such a brutal murder, I found myself absolutely loving this story and found it quite a cosy read - honestly, I couldn't put it down. I adored Angie, the relationship with her sister was really endearing and had such an amusing chemistry. There are so many likeable and relatable characters.
Home Truths tackles some incredibly serious issues such as gangs, eviction, homelessness and online grooming, which could have easily have amounted to a really depressing read and understandably so, but the sense of community and kindness really shines through in this book and it felt really uplifting to me.
There's a pretty big theme of 'knight in shining armour' which might not be for everybody, but I loved it, it's a nice reminder that kind people exist and that it's good to have hope.
A big thing for me is that the book was such an eye opener about homelessness and how people are treated by the authorities that should be helping them, the toll Universal Credit can take on people and I was stunned to learn about the way children are taken into care because there simply aren't houses available for families. I've always donated to food banks, but after reading this book I will do so more often.

Thank you very much to Readers First, Harper Collins and Susan Lewis for Home Truths.