It was alright

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It was alright.
I mean, I like the plot line - two old friends vow to marry each other if they haven't found anybody else by thirty, and then slowly discover their true love for each other - but I had a few issues with it. Firstly, I felt that story implausible. When h proposes, she gives in at too easily and is unrealistic to the point that the book becomes ridiculous rather than engaging. I also don't like I when female leads in chick lit eat a hearty meal and then complain about their weight or talk about needing to work out more. It doesn't promote a good body image and I think instead that weight should only be mentioned by the character if it is actually part of the plot line or if it is something they truly battle with (like Bridget Jones), rather than something they just think about after enjoying a meal. Finally, I felt the characters spent most of the book just having sex, a bit like the writer was attempting to make the book a bit longer rather than giving it a more exciting complex plot. There were moments that I loved, however, and made me laugh out loud. So overall I thought it was okay but I have definitely read better.