Enthralling mix of magic and gangsters

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Into The Crooked Place is another great book by Alexandra Christo the author of To Kill A Kingdom. This book is a terrific mix of magic and gangsters. In the first look readers are introduced to Tavia, a busker selling magic and waiting for the day when her life debt is paid and she'll be free. She is answerable to the underboss, Wesley Thornton Walcott, who has tasked Tavia with selling the latest magic which she's strangely reluctant to do. Unfortunately her friend Saxony takes the magic with unfortunate effects and Tavia has to leave her to save herself after she hears the warning buzzers alerting her that the amityguards are coming for them. The Realm Doyen, Fenna Schulze, is on a crusade to clean up Crieje but can she do it or will the gangsters outwit her and will Tavia ever gain her freedom. I can't wait to read the rest of this story. Crieje is equal to any of the places created by the great Terry Pratchett and Alexandra Christo is an extremely accomplished storyteller.