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BOOK REVIEW: Into the Crooked Place by Alexandra Christo

3 stars

Well...where to start.
Like so many other reviews written so far, I am going to talk about the comparisons to Six of Crows and the Grishaverse. The names of the people and places, the storyline (in general) and many of the characters were VERY similar. In particular, Wesley and Tavia were a reincarnation of Kaz and Inej: from Kaz's arrogance and power to Inej's skill and personality. Very similar. Although, with Kaz, you thoroughly believed his personality, with Wesley, I didn't believe it at all.This lack of uniqueness caused a whole star to be knocked off.

Now lets talk about the book on its own.
There were a lot of places named that we had no clue about and so it would have been REALLY helpful to have a world map rather than just a city one. I just couldn't picture where they were going and a map would have fixed that.
The magic and ideas around it were really good although the Crafters magic system also kind of reminded me of the grishaverse. But I still enjoyed it.
The writing was sometimes great and sometimes really clunky and not well edited. Almost like 2 different people wrote the book.
I liked the characters but didn't love them. I think part of that has to do with the fact that I didn't believe Wesley's personality. The only person I really cared for was Tavia as her wit saved day. Karam and Saxony were interesting but I didnt connect with them, especially Karam. I am a very character led person so found it difficult.
The last thing I will say is that I actually enjoyed this more than I thought I would as I didn't like To Kill a Kingdom. I am unsure if I will read the next book but we shall see.

Thank you to Reader's First @readersfirst @hotkeybooks for gifting this book in exchange for an honest review.