It was a good page-turner.

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Madame Burova started and ended strong, but the middle was hazy. The writing was occasionally good, with a few genuinely humorous moments and some highly quotable lines. Madame Burova was a solid, enjoyable story if somewhat predictable.

The plot drifted aimlessly toward an unsatisfying conclusion. The characters lacked agency and were prisoners to the story. The characters were complicated, and deeply human, with their own strengths and weaknesses, but they didn't develop or grow over the course of the book.
I found it hard to put Madame Burova down. It was fast-paced, engaging, and suspenseful; a joy to read.

The world-building was robust but didn't utilize the character's senses or mood making the setting hard to visualize. Action scenes could have been written better.
The writing was amateurish and there were some inconsistencies in the style. The action scenes were not overly engaging, and the exposition was a bit long. The cover design and page layout were good.

The way Madame Burova was portrayed was amazing and made me feel like I was part of the book.