An utter joy

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angep1969 Avatar


What a fabulous book this is, I look forward to reading it with my son.
It's the first book I've read that has been specifically set during the pandemic and it's experienced from a child's point of view.
8 year old Max is a member of the X gang at school - a group of kids that have the letter "x" in their name. He enjoys school, even if some of the teachers are a bit odd!
When the adults around him start to act a bit strangely he knows that something is up. His Dad is a doctor and the first to tell him around the new virus that's arrived.
in no time school has closed and his dad has moved out of the house, to stay isolated as he now treats COVID patients in hospital.
Everything is different. His birthday party is cancelled and he can't even see his beloved Grandad in person.
It doesn't take long before he gets cross with his mum and she tells him to go to his room and count to 100 - the usual technique to give him thinking time. This time though Max wants to count further to annoy his Mum - and suddenly a whole new challenge begins.
This book is full of humour but doesn't shy away from some of the harsh realities we've all faced in the last couple of years. However it's written with such a delightful, positive style that it's a joy from start to finish! The fun quiz at the end and charitable donations from each sale are an extra bonus and an already wonderful read.