Really good

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Midnight's Twins weaves a world of fantasy & magic that feels fresh, intriguing and welcoming. The story adroitly blends a sense of dream-logic, epic magic, and real-world sensibilities to create something delightful & surprisingly relatable. The world-building is satisfyingly coherent and consistent, giving you just enough detail to draw you in to see what's "around the corner", without overloading the reader with lore-for-the-sake-of-lore.

It's Book 1 in a trilogy and, while the scope & richness pulls you into wanting the sequels immediately, this part of the story brings a good amount of closure & completeness to the narrative. The protagonist feels every inch an emotionally damaged teen yearning for a hope & belonging, and the story gives her room to grow as the twists & surprises unfurl. As to say I will definitely be purchasing any next books or novellas if/when they come out