What a DREAM

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WOW I really enjoy fantasy books and let me tell you THIS WOW I cannot explain how in love and attached I genuinely felt with this book. The created world was absolutely dreamy and amazing I literally felt like I was exactly in the book which made me feel really home sick :( I love the mcs they are such amazing talented genuine people who inspire me sm. This book is filled with adventures, missions and so very mysterious which is just the icing on top making the book 🤌. Instantly seeing the cover already had me hooked it was so beautifully laid out and soon as I read the few chapters I COULD NOT STOP!! Hands down one of the best fantasy exciting book I have read and I love how detailed the author described it felt so real✨. I 100% recommend you guys to read this book you will not regret it trust my words !! The characters, settings, plot etc is just 😍🤌✨ to the absolute T.