So cruel

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i usually read a book in one or two sittings but this story was so cruel and utterly depressing that I could only bear it in small doses.
Upon arrival at Auschwitz, thirteen year old twins, Pearl and Stasha, are selected by Josef Mengele as one of his 'experiments'. Unspeakable atrocities are inflicted upon them including sterilisation, acid squirted in an eye, boiling water poured into an ear, legs broken - all without anaesthetic.
Megele chooses one twin to inflict with pain and tells the other twin that they are invincible. Despite this, twins were thought to be the lucky ones and doctors manipulated birth dates so that brothers and sisters would be chosen by Mengele for experimentation.
Having just enjoyed reading The Red Ribbon which is also set in Auschwitz in 1944, I found Mischling difficult to read as there is no humour or hope running through this story.