Enjoyable light read

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Mothers and Daughters by Erica James is an enjoyable light read. Naomi lives in a small seaside village on her own after her husband Colin dies. Her husband was a pillar of the community but was there more to him and their relationship than people realise. Naomi's two daughters Martha and Willow are exact opposites. Martha likes to plan her life but trying for a baby might not be as easy to plan as she thinks. Willow goes through life with no plans and seems very easy going. However her new boyfriend seems very attached to her and keen to become part of her family.
Naomi meets a man from her past who she falls madly in love with but her daughters are upset she is letting go of her past with Colin and moving on.
I really enjoyed this story, however about a third of the way in, I realised I knew what was going to happen! The story felt very familiar though I cannot see it has been published before. However as the story is very well written with some loveable well rounded characters I did not mind this!
I would highly recommend this book.