DNF at the beginning

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Ladies, gents and everything in between - we have reached a new record in the DNF world. After a whole 16 pages I decided to DNF this book.

Although I only managed 16 pages I can tell you that 90% of this book is about these 5 friends doing shots. Honestly about 10 out of those 16 pages were about them doing shots. Yes shots are great, but I'd rather be doing them than reading about them in great detail thanks.

Now, this was not enough to make me DNF this book so I decided to skim and read a few random pages. I kid you not 2/3 involved shots. Of course this is by chance and I'm sure there is far more to this story.

Overall, I really didn't click with this book and the writing style. I feel like Keris Stainton was almost trying too hard to make her characters relatable and just fell short.

I'm sure that many people will love this book (as proven by it's very high goodreads rating), but it's not for me.

I am still giving it two stars as I'm sure the story is great and the synopsis is what made me pick it up, but I honestly cannot connect with the writing.