So good

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Straight away when you first start reading you’re hooked, it has this kind of eerie feeling that you cannot quite shake. You’re literally transported to the beginning of a hood movie where everything is dark and quiet, you have no idea what is going on or what is about to go on- but you know that you are scared and intrigued. You almost forget that you are reading, because you are so hooked you cannot put it down and the outside world ceases to exist anymore. The storyline is so well written and I personally loved the layout. I love the names of the chapters, they are short but match the topic, and make you start thinking before you have even got to the point of reading. The main character is one that you feel as though you can relate to, she’s tired and life is draining, but she does what she needs to do to survive. This book is an intriguing mystery and I highly recommend.