A claustrophobic thriller

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deborah mayell Avatar


I found Rose Shaws life hard going. Suffering from insomnia, her relentless sleepless nights and her obsession with a journal she finds made me feel at times quite exhausted.

The whole story was very hard to believe and some of the incidents of almost torture were hard to read.
Not a subject I enjoy reading about.
I found it all very unbelievable, so many twists and turns it was hard to keep up.
As thrillers go this subject matter was rather distasteful.

The author didn't make me have any sympathy or compassion for Rose, she was very unbelievable for me. I read to the end only to find answers but in fact I would have found it more appealing had she not survived the unrealistic beatings she endured.
And as for the ending, well I was just glad to get there!
Not one I'd recommend