An absolute treasure

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I had a GREAT time reading Night by night by Jack Jordan! I found myself not wanting to put this one down and it was so exciting reading along with Rose, trying to figure out who Finn was, what had actually happened to him and the other missing men in the town.

I loved reading from the different perspectives in this book, Rose, the missing men and the entries from Finn's Journal. The parts told from the missing men themselves did confuse me at first as it wasn't explained until later on who they actually were, but once It came to light who they were I thought them perspectives were a great touch!

There are some seriously serious topics written into this book (SCROLL TO THE END OF THIS REVIEW FOR TRIGGER WARNINGS) so be aware of that if you're sensitive to certain topics before going into this one, but I thought they were so important to this book! I sympathised so much for every single one of the victims, including Rose and I honestly found myself wiping away a tear or two during my time reading it. So much emotion, so much pain and I just desperately wanted their to be some justice for these characters!

I will say however, that Rose is an extremely complex character, she suffers with insomnia, which is a pretty serious sleep condition, and I feel as though the way that the insomnia effects her and influences her actions/words makes it difficult to empathise with her in some instances. Especially since we see quite a selfish side to Rose, the way she treats her daughter Lily really broke my heart! As a mother myself, there's no excusing the lack of consideration for her daughter and her feelings.

I'm leaving this book with an aching heart and a longing for more! Completely unexpected, extremely unnerving and an absolute treasure to have on my shelves.. I don't think I'm going to be forgetting this one any time soon! I can't wait to pick up more of Jack Jordan's books and I gave Night by night 5⭐