A heart felt novel

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One Split Second by Caroline Bond
An emotional and heartfelt novel which involves relationships, friendships, love and loyalty. Who was to blame on that dreadful day when five teenagers life’s are changed forever. Can one person be to blame? How does everyone around them cope and deal with what has happened? Will they ever go on to living their life’s fully again? Lots of unknown questions with this book as the blurb doesn’t really give you much!

A group of close friends go to a party which results in a night they will never forget. When one drink leads to another when do you say no. On the was home from a great night the friends are drunk and happy their car crashes into a wall. A devastating end to such a great night. A dreaded phone call made to the parents who are waiting anxiously to find out more information about their child. Waiting waiting the parents are are praying for good news!

This book had me gripped from the very beginning. It feels wrong to love a book with such wretched subject matter, but something about the ability for the words to elicit such a strong (albeit repulsive) emotional response kept me coming back for more and thinking of the characters.