Enjoyed this one

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I really enjoyed reading this book, it's one of those ones that once you start to read it, you want to know what happens next. I found myself constantly picking the book back up to read more and discover more of the story, the way the car crash is explained is super descriptive that you can actually visualise the whole story in your head like a movie. The hardcase of the book will keep this in very good condition for many years to come aswel. I leant this book to my friend as I found this might be something that she would also enjoy reading in her spare time. And she said the same thing as me, that it leaves you wanting to read more and to see where the story will end up going, she would even text me asking questions about what happens next and trying to find out what happens before she had read along, I never told her though lol, so yeah it's one I would say is definitely a good read and do not want to give too much away with my review, rather people read it for themselves. I highly recommend this book.