I felt like I was on holiday

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This is a great advertisement for Rome. Alf and Letty meet in Rome where they are the only two English speaking pupils in their Italian class. Alf is drawn to Letty and they bond awkwardly, at first, over dancing, and their love of Italian culture.

During their time together, they visit many sites, and I really enjoyed the descriptions. It is quite a romantic story, and a real 'will they, won't they?', which is particularly emphasised by the split view. The story spans past, present and future, which refreshes the story when it starts to go a little cliched. The changes in time and perspective keep the reader guessing and help maintain momentum. There were times when I didn't feel the sentences ran well together, or lines could have been better worded. It's a shame, because overall it is well written, and has great style.

The characters were well developed. I felt sympathy for the couple, though I have mixed feelings about the ending.

Without providing a spoiler alert, one story line needs urgently addressing. One minor character's actions are horribly understated. I understand this is a 'light reading' book, but Kate Ebberlen shouldn't describe a traumatic crime and then simply call the character a 'bully'. I don't think the other character's reactions were appropriate, even for 2013. There were a few chapters when Letty's character changed from guarded to reckless (perhaps even cowardly), and her decision making and reaction to her consequences didn't seem to fit with Ebberlen's writing in other chapters. Ebberlen had an opportunity to broadcast a message here but, instead, took the traditional love story route. I suppose it is fitting with the genre.

Initially I wasn't keen on the bland cover but now, having read the book, I think it is suitable. Anything flashy or graphic would go against the narrative of the book, and the character descriptions.

After reading Kate Ebberlen's background on the first page, I cannot help but wonder if part of this story is more than fiction...?

Overall I would recommend - it will definitely make a great holiday read, especially if going to Italy.