Quite well written

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I went into this book completely oblivious as to what it was about, I rarely do this so I was hoping that I had come across a gem, it was way better then what I had expected going into a book completely blind to what it entails.
The similarities shown within the book about the character and author was seemed to almost surreal to me. The author did a great job in sharing his innermost feelings about the pandemic George Floyd’s death and how it was for him when teaching in a top college. He talks about how he taught writing and now his experience differs as does everyone else's. This book helped me gain an insight into what other people may think about situations that we have all been through no matter where we were in the world, it helps to see the situation from a different angle and therefore a different perspective. While reading this book I found myself often rethinking moments that I was so sure of and considering all of the angles that could be considered. I recommend this book to anyone that doesn't think about the other side of things.