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BOOK REVIEW: Raybearer by Jordan Ifueko

3 stars

It seems that I am sadly an odd one out in the reviews so far as they are all 4 or 5 stars!

Raybearer started off with so much promise. I loved the worldbuilding which was a beautiful mix of Africa and magic. I was so excited as I love African vibes in fantasy books! I was really intrigued by the plot to begin with and couldn't wait to see how the story continued. I felt a real connection with the female lead and loved the idea of a council joined by magic so they are as close as siblings and can speak via telepathy.
Sadly at about the half way point, I started to get a little bored. I guessed a few of the twists which never helps and I also cared less about the characters. I felt more time should have been taken on their personalities and of more characters than just the main 3 as it seemed quite narrow in view.
The book is 400 pages and I think it could have been 300 and been a better and less drawn out book.
It was a decent read and different to others I have read that have an African theme...but it just didn't work too well for me.

Raybearer is out on the 14th April.

Please note that I was gifted this book in exchange for an honest review.