Interesting and scary that its true

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The cover of this book drew me in straight away and it wasn't until i was a quarter of the way through that I realised it was a true story, which made the book even creepier. Carolyn writes from the heart and in the first section of the book I loved the way it was written and it had me gripped and wondering if it could happen to me. You can see how Mark draws her in and plays to her insecurities and I feel this would be an excellent film.
The second part of the book I found that Carolyn's passion now made it seem a little uncomfortable at times due to how she was treated by the Police, and not listened to. It does make you think was the long drawn out fight for justice worth all the heart ache and pain with the result she got in the end.
Carolyn's life as completly destroyed by Mark and she lost not only a huge amount of money but also her life and friends and family and this will take a long time to recover from, it makes you realise you don't always know what it happening in someone else's life.