I really liked this book

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I really enjoyed this novel. The story flowed easily and really drew you in to the story and the characters. All the main character,s were people you could emphasise with and like. The relationship between Debbie and her family was unconventional but then a lot of relationships are. The relationship between Debbie and Xanthe is a lovely friendship which develop,s from a brand new friendship at the start of University to a deep friendship that means they understand and 'get ' each other. This novel is beautifully written and while it isn't an edge of your seat page turning thriller does keep you wanting to read to see what happens next. The chapter,s are nice and short and that really works with this novel. It is about mental health but it is such a lovely way of describing the mental health problems people can suffer from. I expect Maeve could be scary if you didn,t know her but this story makes you see she is not scary