Surprisingly good

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Without giving to much away the story is set on a dairy farm in Kildare and one of the main themes is mental health, which is dealt with humour, drama and sympathy. I was not expecting the plot to be as engaging and captivating but was pleasantly surprised. The protagonist Debbie’s transition from school to college is both challenging and exciting and the author presents this through the insight of a millennial but not as we would expect.
Debbie has lived a somewhat sheltered life seldom travels to the city and has very little social interaction outside family and friends.
The author describes how she is mistreated by others because off her naivety but this protagonist like all others is on a journey of discovery and self growth and soon begins to learn how to navigate life’s trials and tribulations.
She makes new friends one whose life is particularly interesting which makes Debbie look at hers from a different perspective.
I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book and I recommend it to everyone.