Review: S.T.A.G.S. by M.A. Bennett

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S.T.A.G.S. is the gipping YA debut from M.A. Bennett, one that will have you hooked from the start. The story follows Greer, who has just transferred to S.T.A.G.S. from a state school after receiving a scholarship. Struggling to settle and fit in Greer is surprised to receive an invitation to spend half-term weekend at the manor of the popular and extremely wealthy Henry de Warlencourt and the rest of the Medievals for huntin’ shootin’ fishin’ along with Nel and Shafeen. The Medievals are the schools prefects, who declare all modern technology to be “savage”. As the weekend progresses, Greer begins to realise things aren’t what they seem and in turn uncovers a cult dating back to the schools founding, where the misfits become the hunted.

S.T.A.G.S. is told from Greer’s perspective as she tells the nightmarish story of huntin’ shootin’ fishin’ weekend. Usually I prefer multiple perspectives, I like to know all sides of a story. In this case I found the first person narrative compelling, adding emphasis to the suspense and intrigue. You have to place your trust solely in the narrator, and, believe they are telling the truth. I’m not saying Greer is lying, you have to remember narrators are not always a reliable source. Exploring it from a first person narrator’s perspective is an interesting concept and one I think really worked, for me anyway.

The pacing and plot development is brilliantly executed and will have you on the edge of your seat, desperate to find out what happens next until the very last page, I couldn’t put it down once I’d started. I really enjoyed the character development, particularly with Henry. It was interesting to read about a teenager who is so heavily influenced by a cult, dislikes modern life and technology, preferring to cling to the old ways despite it’s futility. There’s a brilliant twist at the end, I won’t spoil it but trust me, It’s a good one!

I know I say this a lot about books, but I love the cover! It’s so distinctive and striking, it gives you an idea of what’s inside without spoiling the plot. I can’t recommend this book enough, it’s definitely in my top ten 2017 reads and I’ll definitely be buying a finished copy when it’s out.