Magical Tale

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I've read a lot of Jennifer Donnelly's books and loved them. This is my second young adult aimed read, after 'These Shallow Graves', which was a fabulous read!

So, this is definitely a fun fairy-tale re-working, creatively continuing the story of 'Cinderella' from one of the Stepsister's perspectives. The opening of the book was very cinematic with the Fates creating maps of people's lives, however their peace is soon shattered by Chance, a pirate-like figure, who bursts in to steal one of the maps. This draws us into the world of Isabelle de la Paume, one of the Ugly Stepsisters, who is described as selfish, mean and without beauty; a gauntlet is set down by Chance to change her fate.

The story then switches to the end of 'Cinderella', when the Stepsisters are cutting off parts of their feet to fit into the glass slipper and marry the prince. As we all know, that plan failed dismally and as Cinderella and the Prince ride off, Isabelle is left behind bleeding.

Donnelly then weaves a tale of Fates, Chance, Death and a dark, live rabbit munching Fairy 'Godmother'! We are soon routing for Isabella, after understanding her life from her perspective more; we are soon on another fairy tale quest to defeat the villains!

Isabella has to take a chance on changing her fate and find the strength and will to be responsible for her own destiny, of her own choosing and take back what her heart truly desires.