I Didn't See It Coming

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Well, that took me surprise! SPOILER ALERT: I would never had guessed that the mum was having an affair with one of her students. I thought her daughter Izzy was going to come out and say either that she herself was having an affair with her best friends boyfriend or that she had been raped by him. It all kind of unravelled in the last two chapters. I mean when you sit down and really think about it, the ending was a little rushed and bit far fetched. The detective's side kick just so happens to also be someone who has been hired to find a missing person, and that missing person just so happens to be Izzy?
If you take the book on face value the story works: 7 teens out for one last hurrah before entering the real world of college and work. For one week only they are the only people in a mansion on an island, apart from the staff, and they are to live like it's the 1920s.No phones, no TV , no access to the mainland. One of them is murdered and they have to figure out which one of them committed the crime. All of them have motive, but which one of them followed through?