The Proof of the Pudding…….

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…….is in the eating! And I intend to eat! I’ve already earmarked several of these recipes to try. Ostensibly this is a cookery book for children.But I defy any food loving adults not to be captivated by the book. It’s beautifully presented with an excellent table of contents that offers up each recipe with a brief description, so as a vegetarian, I could easily flip to those recipes that interested me the most. When do you get past the table of contents the pages are quite busy but well suited to the enquiring child. Yes, it’s a cookbook, but it’s also a history book, a geography book with some natural sciences thrown in too. It’s multi-disciplined and multicultural. Whilst it’s large size format doesn’t render it as a stocking filler it would make a wonderful Christmas present for many a child. I would think adult supervision for the cookery is required obviously but there’s much in the book to keep a child occupied without adult intervention. And there is a brilliant foodie timeline at the end of the book before the index.
Takes all my boxes!