A rom-com with a twist

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I really enjoy a rom com, and this one was no different until I got about three quarters of the way through and hit the twist, which I was pretty underwhelmed by.

One thing I did appreciate is that this book isn't written about people in their twenties starting out in their career - I feel like that's rare in a romance novel - and this added a different feel to the story.

The idea of The Arc isn't too out there either, I feel like you can already get scientifically matched and this is just that, but on steroids. The strange, top-secret, NDA nature of this one is what sets it apart.

Ursula decides to take a (very expensive) chance and let The Arc find her perfect partner. She goes through the research stage, meets Rafael and everything is brilliant, until The Arc realise they've made a mistake. What happens after that is a lot of bickering and to-ing and fro-ing before the inevitable happy ending.