I enjoyed this

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When I first started reading this, I found concept is pretty strange in that the company The Arc think they will find your perfect match. Would you pay that obscene price and not find the one?
When I first started it I wasn't sure it was going to draw me in. Took me longer to read the 300 odd pages than I would have hoped, it was easy enough read.
However I really warmed to Ursula and wanted her to find her perfect match.
I really liked Rafael after we got to know him and the face he wanted them to prove a point to The ARC.
I liked the idea of The Arc as a getaway, it sounded to relaxing but also kind of clinical?
I liked that it was told from both POV throughout the book and their relationship but didn’t keep flipping back and forth you didn’t get confused, I kinda guessed the reveal near the end coming and had guessed but I still couldn't not read to end.
Even though this isn't my usual genre (I'm a psychological thriller or police like RoyGrace)
I really enjoyed this book over all.
I would recommend as an easy, light hearted read, but also one that keeps you wanting more. After I finished I kind of wonder if we will hear if they still together on their own terms and not any rules and pretences?