Cute but not for me

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The Country Village Christmas Show was adorable, well and truly but also, just not for me.

I wanted a cute and festive read and this was that but I wanted more Christmas? Most of the book just isn’t anything to do with Christmas and it takes a really long time for the show to even become a passing thought as the book starts in October.

Likewise, it was completely full of cliches and I guess I should have expected that but it just made me cringe. I don’t mind romance but I don’t like being able to predict an upcoming cliche moment!

There was absolutely nothing at all wrong with this book, the problems all lie with me. I went outside of my usual genre and as such, I should have managed my expectations a lot better on what I was going to receive. I thought I’d be able to work past it but alas, I couldn’t.
This would be a great book for so many and I know plenty of people who would love it, I just made a poor choice thinking I might like something I’d never usually pick!